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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Duct cleaning

3/8/2019 (Permalink)

While many homeowners are beginning to realize the importance of routine duct cleaning, you may still have questions about the process. That's why we've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about who should clean your ducts, why it's necessary, and how it's done.

"Why do my air ducts need to be cleaned?"

Over the years, dust, allergens, dirt, and other debris can accumulate in your ducts. In fact, it can build up in layers as much as three inches deep! This filth can trap bacteria and foster mold growth, creating potential health threats for your family. And, to make matters worse, every time your HVAC system turns on, some of these contaminants are circulated throughout your house. Having your air ducts cleaned removes this accumulation of pollutants and greatly improves the air quality of your home. For safe, breathable air, you should have your ducts cleaned at least every four years.

"How exactly is my ductwork cleaned?"

Using specialized tools and a negative airflow system (essentially a huge vacuum), air duct cleaners scrape the dust, dirt, and debris from your ducts. The tools agitate the particles away from the sides of the ducts and the vacuum keeps them from escaping into your house. The cleaning should also include air washing furnace and air conditioner components, vacuuming registers, and applying mold inhibiting agents if necessary.

"Who should clean my ducts?"

Only trust a professional duct cleaning service. These experts have the knowledge and specialized equipment to effectively remove all of the dust and debris from your ductwork without damaging it or dispersing the pollutants throughout your house. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends using only National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA) certified specialists. NACDA certified professionals are trained, skilled experts with a thorough knowledge of industry standards, proper ductwork cleaning procedures, and environmental concerns.

"Will duct cleaning damage my furnace or air conditioner?"

No: duct cleaners use specialized tools and techniques to remove accumulated dust without harming any component of your HVAC system. In fact, your furnace and air conditioner will actually work better after a cleaning: airflow will be improved, so your heating and cooling system can run more efficiently.

"My home is new, so I don't need a duct cleaning, right?"

Wrong! Construction is a messy process, and frequently debris and drywall dust get into your ductwork. This blocks airflow, traps even more dust, and can contribute to mold growth. A thorough cleaning will remove any obstructions, as well as the accumulated dust, to get your ducts into great shape!

"Will my house be less dusty after my ductwork cleaning?"

You bet! Because your heating and cooling system circulates dust from your ductwork throughout your home, eliminating that dust means your whole house will be cleaner.

"Since my new furnace clean, I don't need a duct cleaning, right?"

Wrong. Even though your new furnace is clean, there is still dust in your ducts. And, because the fan on your new furnace is probably more powerful than the old one, all that dust and dirt is going to be blown straight into your rooms! Most HVAC cleaning specialists recommend a complete ductwork cleaning in tandem with any new furnace or air conditioner installation.

"Will duct cleaning help my allergies?"

Most likely. The accumulation inside your ducts includes pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and other allergens as well as dirt. Removing this debris should greatly decrease the concentration of allergens in the air and reduce your allergy symptoms.

If you have any additional questions about ductwork cleaning or need to schedule a cleaning for your ductwork, contact your local air duct cleaning service. They'll be able to provide additional information and superior cleaning!

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